how long after transplanting till i give first feed???


Well-Known Member
getting ready to go from the small white foam cups to a 3 and 5 gal pot how long after i transplant in 3 gal pot till i feed ??? and how long after in 5 gal pot ????


Well-Known Member
Did you feed before the transplant? I've fed mine the day I transplanted with no negative results


Well-Known Member
If its soil, and the soil is rich with food, you won't have to FEED for a while. Of course they'll need watered. I took mine from Rooter Plug to solo cup for 15 days (ish) then to 5 gallon pots. I've given them 2 ml of veg food in 60 days. Went into flower yesterday. I suspect I'll need to start feeding pronto.


Well-Known Member
With the FF nothing more than a little bit of plain water. I give mine a few cups right after transplant. You dont want to pound it with a gallon of water it can't drink until the roots make their way down the pot.


Well-Known Member
Ffof can usually go quite a while without food and even when you finally start feeding you can do it at low ppms infrequently. When i do transplant usually i like to hit the soil with some mycorrhizae of some type, or if theyre really rootbound ill hit em with a root tonic like cannazyme or rizotonic.


Well-Known Member
how long you all think i can leave it in the small white foam cups
I'm actually doing an experiment right now. I'm flowering one month old plants in an 8oz container. They are about 6 weeks old now. But I would transplant after 3 or 4 weeks


Well-Known Member
how long you all think i can leave her in thr small whit foam cups
You can leave em in there till they turn into tall stretched out lanky two footers. Should you? No. You want to transplant when the plant is the size of the container its in. Thats my opinion. Wait until its dryish and slide it out and into the next size up.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
you could leave it in the small white cups the entire grow . just water them 50 times a day lol . why stress about it why not put them into your bigger pots now ? no reason to wait .


Well-Known Member
there not ready yet but will be soon. i only see like 1 or 2 roots on the bottom of the cups... think i shound go right in to 5 gal. or put them in milk jugs for a while then 5 gal then flower