How long can a Mother live???


Well-Known Member
so if i wer to keep a few mother plants of my favorite strains how long could i keep them alive under a 18-6 light schedule if they have proper nutes soil and water??

of coarse im not asking for a specfic length im just wondering if keeping a single plant alive for 4 years sounds a little too optimistic


Well-Known Member
Ive never kept one more than a year but i would expect it to grow much longer.Some people say it will start to flower under 18 hrs but ive never seen it personally.


Well-Known Member
ive never personally kept a mother for four years but i know it can be done, have a friend that has a few mother that he has had for 5years there monsters 8ft and bushy as hell, i always wondered how much bud he would get off one of those plants.... he said like ten pounds which i think may hold sum truth.. with the proper care u can keep a mother for a long ass time...


Well-Known Member
indefinite, under proper circumstances...
But I don't think it to be the best idea. I think two years is a healthy time frame.


Active Member
have you read on bonzai mums? idk if it was in rollitup or icmag but excellent article and recently went to grow school and had teacher tell me to do same thing. Google it and it shows how to keep an 8" mum that'll give all clones you need forever.