How long can ebb&gro go without water?


Well-Known Member
I have a P.O. coming to the house, so I'm taking everything down until after he leaves.. I plan on flooding my ebb&gro bucket system shortly before he gets here and then moving them out and putting them back when its safe. The plants are about 2 weeks old and a foot tall.

I plan on doing this as fast as possible, but..

My question is, what's the longest amount of time they can go without getting water again before the roots dry out or the plants wilt etc?

depends on the medium your using, different mediums hold different amounts of moisture. some people mix perlite rocks into their soil (or coco coir, etc.) to retain water better, im currently using a medium that holds almost no water but i have a layer of lava rock on the bottom, during lights-off hours the lava rocks offer a lil sumthin for the roots to get at until watering comes around 12hrs later long your plants can go w/out a watering depends on medium and environment.

i raise seedings in peat moss filled peat cups, it takes 2days for the peat to dry out, i only have to water them every 2-3days.
the big girls in rubber mulch/lava rocks get water every 2hrs in the mylar room when lights are on.
I'm using HYDROTON (clay pebbles)..
Personally I always flood one time during lights off, just to be safe.

But anyway so how long can they go without water in hydroton clay pebbles before the roots dry out or plants start to wilt etc?
i would think they would be ok for 12hrs easy (same as lights-off time), depending on the heat and direct sun they may or may not be exposed to

if yer nervous about lenth of time, maybe wrap a wet towel over the top around the base of the plant(s) to trap the moisture in
Yep you guys were correct. They went like 36 hours after being watered and they were still perfectly healthy and with wet roots even still lol. Unfortunately the P.O. smelled something and asked if I had a card, and not knowing if he had or hadn't found my outdoor plants I had to say yes. Then he asked me to show him the plants and I thought to myself fuck I should've just said no. But oh well. Just another fucked up part of my life. Wont be growing for a while now so I sold all 18 of my 1ft plants for 50 bucks. Probably should've asked more for em but oh well. Sigh.. I hate my life..
Yep you guys were correct. They went like 36 hours after being watered and they were still perfectly healthy and with wet roots even still lol. Unfortunately the P.O. smelled something and asked if I had a card, and not knowing if he had or hadn't found my outdoor plants I had to say yes. Then he asked me to show him the plants and I thought to myself fuck I should've just said no. But oh well. Just another fucked up part of my life. Wont be growing for a while now so I sold all 18 of my 1ft plants for 50 bucks. Probably should've asked more for em but oh well. Sigh.. I hate my life..

I know how you feel, I had to move out plants a few months back on a whim. They ended up in a 'friends' garage, this 'friend' fucked up the grow beyond all belief and then stole equipment from me cuz his electric bill was high and the weed was no good. ..But, they can't take your knowledge and experience from you! You will be back and better than before.