How long can some Indica's flower?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I've been growing some bagseed thats 6 weeks and 2 days into flowering, and they appear nowhere near ready. 2 of them look mostly Sativa, and one looks mostly Indica. The Indica's buds seem a lot bigger so far then the Sativa's, but they are all growing so damn sloooow :(

At the rate were going now, I think even the Indica will have to go 10+ weeks. Is this normal? Do some indica's take long?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
For Indica, I would expect 8-10 weeks for it to finish. Sativas can take a lot longer. You really need to watch the plant and it will show when it is getting ready. How you grow, temps, and how much and the type of lights your using also factors in on how longs things can take. Sativas can take forever if you don't have enough light.


Active Member
I'll second what DirtyHarry said, and I'll add that when you pop them from seed sometimes counting from the start of 12/12 doesn't work.


Well-Known Member
Going to third that. And you know just when you think there ready, leave them for a xtra day and watch them Swell.