How long do plants usually flower for

How long do plants usually take to flower outdoors from bloom to harvest n for the buds to fully mature. And if im planting outdoors how could i make my plants bloom later but make sure they still grow fast enough in time for harvest. Just control the sun light by rigging a blanket over them so they bloom later, and use good fertilizer, care, and some tricks like molasses so once they do start blooming they bloom fast and fully mature to harvest? Any tricks or help on how to do this would be greatt


Well-Known Member
you can't fool Mother Nature. Indies take 8-10 weeks usually. Sativas longer. molasses is for feeding the soil, not the plant. there ain't no tricks, friend. good planning and proper care equals success


Well-Known Member
you can't fool Mother Nature. Indies take 8-10 weeks usually. Sativas longer. molasses is for feeding the soil, not the plant. there ain't no tricks, friend. good planning and proper care equals success
Better go easy on the molasses also cause you will taste it,this is from doing it!!
N i was jus throwin ideas out there with the mo lass es, im asking this cuz im thinking about starting an outdoor grow now, but i know if i do i probably wont get much out of it


Well-Known Member
they can go into flower earliest at 18 inches, 24 inches is recommended. (for indoors) The real date they should start flowering is when you see the preflowers while still on a 18/6 cycle, or something close to that. that shows the plant is sexually mature, and ready to make buds. (this also doesnt really apply for clones, mainly seeds)

how long to flower, yea 2 months, 3 perhaps... depends on the strain.

and yea molasses are great, but they are for the soil, bacteria breaks it down into simple carbs that the plant then can absorb.

what ya gotta ask yourself is whats the max size they can be. then switch to flower at half that size. dont rush it. every inch of vegetative growth, could be 2 more inches of buds later.
Thanks to everybody for the info. But what im tryin to figure out is the time in between when the buds first bloom, and they start to flower, then they grow, build their mass whatever, get chrystally and their trichomes start to form, and they turn amber, then you harvest. How long does tht time period usually take. Not the 8 to 10 weeks that indicas usually take to start to flower. Unless im not listening and From bloom to harvest is 8 to 10. Time period not from seed to bloom. But bloom to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Once the plant is blooming, it takes at least 8 weeks for most strains to finish...
You can start flowering on the day the seed sprouts out of the ground...but it takes a couple weeks of growth to get started blooming even then.


Well-Known Member
So from beginning of bloom to harvest is at least 8 isn't a terribly fast process...


Well-Known Member
So how long does it usually take to grow the plant 2 ft from seed
Depends on amount of light and if you do 24/7 18/6 vegg.Also some strains will grow faster than others.Expect atleast 6 to 8 weeks for a good yield IMO.I like big plants and have the lights and room so i let them vegg till atleast 2.5 to 3ft,just a matter of room and preference and of course LIGHTS.
Depends on amount of light and if you do 24/7 18/6 vegg.Also some strains will grow faster than others.Expect atleast 6 to 8 weeks for a good yield IMO.I like big plants and have the lights and room so i let them vegg till atleast 2.5 to 3ft,just a matter of room and preference and of course LIGHTS.
Alright so the whole process if your lettin em veg for 3 ft high should be about 16-18 weeks. 8 weeks growth, 8-10 weeks flower. Couple more questions. If you let em get 3 ft high before flower will they end up like 6ft or more after. And at 3 ft b4 flower what have been your yields usually per plant


Well-Known Member
So from beginning of bloom to harvest is at least 8 isn't a terribly fast process...

no its not fast. thats why its key to not speed up vegetative growth. thats when the plant prepares bud sights, grows the roots it will needs and the branches needed to support buds. bigger plant in veg, more nugs in flower.

Also why LST is a good idea, to boost yield.

either way, if you want pot, and lots of it, expect 4 months, from seed to harvest. Dont rush it. you cant do much about the time, but you can do a lot when it comes to yield. max the yield, so the 4 months were worth it.


Well-Known Member
Alright so the whole process if your lettin em veg for 3 ft high should be about 16-18 weeks. 8 weeks growth, 8-10 weeks flower. Couple more questions. If you let em get 3 ft high before flower will they end up like 6ft or more after. And at 3 ft b4 flower what have been your yields usually per plant

yea a 3footer will end up close to 6 ft. unless you topped a lot. i start to flower at 3ft, and it only gets up to 4 or 5 feet cuz i top mine like crazy in veg, and theres too many cola´s for one to grow 3 more feet

yield depends, but a 1/2 pound off a topped and LST´d plant isnt hard to do with good lighting


Well-Known Member
no its not fast. thats why its key to not speed up vegetative growth. thats when the plant prepares bud sights, grows the roots it will needs and the branches needed to support buds. bigger plant in veg, more nugs in flower.

Also why LST is a good idea, to boost yield.

either way, if you want pot, and lots of it, expect 4 months, from seed to harvest. Dont rush it. you cant do much about the time, but you can do a lot when it comes to yield. max the yield, so the 4 months were worth it.
nicks right on there...


Well-Known Member
I have outdoor plants that once flowering begins will finish in 45-50 days, some that take upwards of 13-14 weeks.........

Depends on where on the globe ur locate, current daylight hours, the strain, the location of the plant itself, all sorts of factors....

Yes if you have longer then 12hours of daylight u can induce flowering by enducing dark periods...... but this isnt something I would reccomend unless u have a greenhouse or otherway to ensure the light tightness.


Well-Known Member
yea a 3footer will end up close to 6 ft. unless you topped a lot. i start to flower at 3ft, and it only gets up to 4 or 5 feet cuz i top mine like crazy in veg, and theres too many cola´s for one to grow 3 more feet

yield depends, but a 1/2 pound off a topped and LST´d plant isnt hard to do with good lighting
Thanks nick exactly what i do.