the scopes are $10 at radioshack. looks like you almost have half brown hairs. why not just harvest the top 1/3rd of the plant, EXCEPT FOR THE MAIN COLA AND CLOSE SIDE BRANCHES, and let the rest to finish up?
you will get high, she is probably getting close to peak capacity, but just keep in mind your high will def be more energenic and alot less couchy, which in my book is A-OK.
just dont plan on smoking and going to sleep right away. excellent for socializing.
air dry them for at least a week or less if u are going to denug right away. have to be cured at least 3-4 days.
after that, the shit will be decent, just not maybe as strong as if fully dried and cured.
but yeah, go ahead and enjoy some fruits of your labor
only my 2 cents