How long do your clips take to root?


Hey all,

I just topped and clipped my Bigfoot, White Widow, and my AK-47.
I am trying rapid rooters for the first time and was wondering what everyones average root time is with them.
I am using the RR tray with a humidity dome on it.

Also, my Widow started drooping the minute I put it in the plug and dome. Anyone have experience with WW to know if this is normal behavior for the strain? I know certain strains show stress more apparently. Is she one of them? :blsmoke:

tea tree

Well-Known Member
i use rapid rooters. I do it ok. here is how.

I use either root powerder or gel. I actually had better luck with oilviaas cloning gel than that generic powder they sell at reg stores.

I soak the radid rooter in water.

I make a glass of water. I like to add superthrive and liquid karma and hydrogaurd if I got them. Also A drop or two of koolbloom if I feel adventurous.

I take CLEAN scissors or a razor blade and cut the clone. Then I soak it in the glass while I make all my cuts. I let them soak for a little bit. As long as I can stand, no more than a half an hour.

I then dip it in the powder or gel.

I take the presoaked rapid rooter and place the cloan in side. I do the rest.

They go into a seed insert tray resting in a seed tray filled with warm water. I use a seed heat mat or a regualr heat mat wrapped in plastic bags. I put on the clone domw. I usually get the whole setup ready in the morning and then clone at night. I put a little h202 in the water.

+++ Then comes a mandatory six hour dark period.

Then I turn on the lights.

+++ I just discovered this. I dont need a clone dome. If after the six hours anyclones have wilted I take it out and recut the stem and scratch a little of the flesh off and give it another six hours of dark. This is because I just reread albfuct clones essay and he states this as his finding and it has to do with the stem having embolsims and being able to take up water. It is best to have to have as little moisture as you need as the less you have to use the sooner the clones will start to make up roots to live.

In the past I used a clone dome for three days and took it off as long as they could stand before they started to wilt. This time I had one start to droop. I recut it and gave it dark and it popped right up!

If you do not give it the dark period they will have a hard time surviving.

All my clones are doing ok now but have not showed roots at a week. They are howver just starting to yellow at the leaves and that has always been a sure sign of roots to come. THis has taken a couple of weeks before. I just figured out that I was keeping the door to my clone cupboard shut and that was probably too humid so they were just drinking thru their leaves.

Recut your ww, give it some dark and then see.

Also I like to cut the leavs in half. Contrary to what some people say about giving the clone all the leavs it needs to eat it actually lessens the burden on the clone to have cut leaves.