How long does a female plant stay fertile?


Well-Known Member
I have one female and one flipped male however the female plant has been blooming for about three weeks while the flipped female is has about three or four more days before "he" sprouts viable pollen. Is it too late to pollenize? How long is too late to pollenize to make seeds? Some of the pistils have already started turning brown.


Well-Known Member
I have one female and one flipped male however the female plant has been blooming for about three weeks while the flipped female is has about three or four more days before "he" sprouts viable pollen. Is it too late to pollenize? How long is too late to pollenize to make seeds? Some of the pistils have already started turning brown.
What happened?


Well-Known Member
You have to have 5 or 6 weeks (strain related) for the seeds to mature. Give it a try though...some seeds may mature earlier.