How long does it take for a germinated seed to sprout from the soil


I planted my germinated seeds and 4/7 sprouted to the surface of the soil after 2 days. The ph is at 6.5, humidity 50-60% 78 degrees temp, i didint plant the seeds thatt deep, is it possible the roots are just growing into the soil before pushing the seeds above the surface? The seeds that haven't sprouted is some haze seeds and the roots were small when I planted them by the way.


Well-Known Member
I planted my germinated seeds and 4/7 sprouted to the surface of the soil after 2 days. The ph is at 6.5, humidity 50-60% 78 degrees temp, i didint plant the seeds thatt deep, is it possible the roots are just growing into the soil before pushing the seeds above the surface? The seeds that haven't sprouted is some haze seeds and the roots were small when I planted them by the way.
I've had seeds take anywhere from 24 hours to almost two weeks to break surface.


Well-Known Member
No more than 3-5 days.
Vigor is at birth, like hustle....You can't teach it.
I personally, get rid of anything that takes more than 5 days. That's just me though.
A plant can be a slow grower and still be fire, but when sprouting only survival of the fittest.