how long does it take for a seed to sprout once it's planted?


Well-Known Member
I sprout my seeds in damp paper towel first in a baggie then put it in a pan between some newspaper or something that sits on stove pilot light that keeps it about 90* 24-48hrs later the good ones sprout. Then plant the root downward just below the surface of the dirt or whatever in a 18oz cup cover with plastic and a rubber band till the shell falls off the seed!!bongsmilie
Mine just sprouted after six days so don't worry for at least a week...seeds can get shocked when switching locations, and then take time to get started again.also if u put the seed in sideways or upside down it could take time to turn deep did I plant it n did u germ it first????

Yeah Right

Active Member
I've seen and read anywhere from 12 hours to two weeks. It depends on the method you use, the age of the seed and genetics. This grow I had 1 LA Confidential that took 5 days and 1 that took about 2. Different methods yielded different results in the same strain, purchased at the same time.