how long does kush take in vegitation behing grown outdoor in ontario?

kush grower

hey guys i have 3 plants they just sprouted and there from a kush strain therre about 2 cm heigh with 2 little leaves how long to u think it would take untill the vegitation stage is over and the flowering stage begins? there behing grown up in the kawarthas on a island with good soil mixed with vermaculite. thanks for any help u can sprovied, also does anyone no what fertalizer i can buy from walmart or homedepo that i can use to make it grow bigger and fast during vegitation and flowering? thanks so much



Active Member
:joint:well my kush plants are on day 56 veg. greenhouse grown. so i couldnt really tell you wat to expect. mine are about ready to flower in the next few weeks. but im in nw WA. here are some pics of my girls. i got 8 afghan kush and 7 purple kush. check em out.:bigjoint:



Active Member
what exactly does it do thoe? and how do u do it
It will trick ur plant into thinking its been topped, exposing lower nodes makin them main colas. But wat u do is go between about the 3rd an 4th node, and in the middle twist the stem between your finger tip till u feel it loosen up inside, than bend the top of the cola down towards the soil exposing the lower nodes. When done correctly where u bend it should look like your knuckle when u close your fist. Be careful not to snap it tho. Good luck;)


Active Member
a main cola is the bigger fatter branches of your plant that have alot of branching of them. If you top your plants youll get 2 main colas, but if you fimm your plants than they will have 4 main colas. Ive fimmed/supercropped/lst/stair cased pruned. Ive done alot to my plants and they are monsters:) they got rootbound in the 5 gallon buckets so I cut the bottoms off and stuck the buckets in the the ground to maximize the growth of my girls.