how long doset take to become yelloish when is ripe

pookie life

my plant are 9 week old there soppose to be redy in 8 &9 week and the leaf dint n trun yellow look ripe i dont want to cut them to soon IMAG0820.jpgIMAG0818.jpg

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
the leaves have nothing to do with it. they normally turn yellow due to flowering nutes have little to no nitrogen. a plant is ripe by the trichomes. first they are clear than cloudy and then amber. its all preference when you want to chop most people do 50/50 cloudy/amber but some say that amber is the thc degrading. to look at the trichs you need a loupe or a macro camera. yours is looking pretty close to being done if it is not already. the hairs normally recieed when it is close to harvest time but it is not a true indicator of it being ripe.

pookie life

thanks i order i micro microscope on ebay but i still haven t got it piss me off the brown hair are 50 50 i tink ill cut them tomorrow thx for the help whit your expertise what strain u this this is ?


Well-Known Member
you got a lot of good info and should reward the the providers of the ones you like

you see the pistils -the hairs that change color at ripe
well thy grow out of a thing called a calyex they swell at the final stages

agood point to walk wit
you can not determin finish by any one thing on all plants -or you are sure to be fooled one day
cause everything has an axception

best policy to look at whole plant to give you signals
once you notice its getting close then you whip out your scope check trichs
is my main guide but that to not final like math
i have seen plants amber early and seen sum dont amber

everything is a guage to bring you in -no one thing is final

yor leaves a indicator on sum plants

look at it like a piece a fruit is always better to serve when ripe
that is the deal learn to recognize when a plant is ripe

take a photgraphic pic to store in your mind of your finished plant

oh n joy it

I an I