How long for first signs?...

ok i germinated 6 seeds with the cup of water method. I left them in for 24 hours and gave them a little tap and they all fell to the bottom so i fugured they were good seeds. I planted them in little dixie cups and gave them a watering and stuck them in a zip lock bag to hold in moisture. They are outside b/c thats were they will be staying. So my question is how long before i see a sprout do you think. Im also going out of town for three days and going to have to leave them on there own. The weather forecast calls for rain so they should be ok


Wow bro i no this is newbie central but wow. ok first thing always have distilled water for your seeds take a needle and scratch the outside of the seed that will help the seed germ. than stick it in distilled water and place it in the dark over night. in the morning you should instantly see cracks and signs of germination, next take the seed (using tweezers hand oils =bad) and place it in a thick damp paper towel. now take the paper towl and put it inside a zip lock bag. now like before put it in your dark space that is warm. once you wake up you seeds should be germinated and starting to sprout.


Active Member
I just did 6 success rast 6/6 was very cool!! All but 1 took 2 days to germinate last one 3 days. paper towel/bag method 85 degrees