How long guys?


Well-Known Member
Hey!Here is my easyryder auto flower(my first successful grow) . I can tell shes getting close but would like another opinion. Unfortunately i don't have or can afford a microscope right now so Ive got to go by hairs. I would say the hairs are about fifty approaching sixty percent right now. Not the best pics i know and its hard to see what white fresh hairs remain but here it is.

Thanks alot


kbo ca

Active Member
at least another week. The way i do it is by the pistil (hair) color. Once all of them have changed you know your plant is ripe, and the trichomes will produce the type of high that the plant was intended to produce at ripeness.


Well-Known Member
Yeh cheers dude. I just had a read on that article and it seems like it needs longer like you say. You here a load of different things about the hairs so its hard to know which road to take and not cut it down at the wrong time lol.

kbo ca

Active Member
It's really not hard at all. The fact is that when the hairs change color is the only time your plant is ripe. Plain and simple