How long in propogator.... Advice

Hey, Could not find the answer to this one so maybe you can help. How long should I keep my seedlings in the propogator for.
Pics attached - this is 6 days from seed, no real sign of roots coming through, not much happened for couple of days, maybe in not being patient enough? In heated prop, 18/6 light, high humdity. Any advice will help, thanks :-P



Active Member
First off. You're light is too far from your plant. I can tell because they are stretching out to get closer. So move your lights closer to the plants. Also what type of lights do you have. How many do you have and how many watts are they?


New Member
start hardening them off give them an hour ouside of the chamber than 2 hours next 6 than 8 if they wilt a little just water stick em back in they should do good
thanks for the replies. With the lid on that is as close as I can get the lights to the plants, the bulb is basically on top of the propogator right now. They are 4x36w fluorescent cool white

Will try taking lid off like you said, one did wilt the other day when I tried so put lid back on and it stood up again.
anyone got any more tips please? its been a week now and not seeing any change from those pics above. They are out of propogator now, have fan on them, humidity is 70% plus, watering when the root riot is dry. Not seeing any roots coming through. Lights about 6 inches above plants. Thanks!


Active Member
lower the lights basically if they are not giving enough "false" sunlight off you may need to change your lighting. You can get 2-3 inches from the plants. Good luck


Active Member
the thing i was doing with them propogaters is putting video boxs inside them so as the seedlings were near touching the ceiling of the propogater then take 1 away each day as the seedlings were growing