How Long Is Wand Hash Good For?


Well-Known Member
oh alright I'll bite.....Hash is made not harvested....and WTF is wand hash. If stored properly Hash will retain its potency for a long time....It only loses it very slowly over years of time.


Well-Known Member
oh alright I'll bite.....Hash is made not harvested....and WTF is wand hash. If stored properly Hash will retain its potency for a long time....It only loses it very slowly over years of time.
hahah i read this yesterday and was like wtf is wand hash, so i dint reply.


Well-Known Member
OK wand hash is the stuff that your vaporizer wand holds onto so by harvest I mean scrape the okey brown substance from what I understand its potent as hell and harvesting (scraping)


Active Member
at first i thought he meant "hand wash"
then i tried to make some sense of the phrase but nothing came up