how long left


Well-Known Member
my girl has been flowrein now for 12 weeks yesterday can anybody tell me if its ready or shall i wait another couple ov weeks coz it dont look ready to me just need sum expert help thanks:joint:



Well-Known Member
Looks to me like she could be seeded.
and not enough light perhaps.

pistils are brown and receded, but to be entirely positive you may wanna look at the trichomes.
I'd chop her if i was you.

P.S. nice bit of purple there.


Well-Known Member
yea it looks like there should be more growth by then.... maybe its the strain.
some are slower then others
i would say by the looks of the growth and trichs probably 3 weeks.


Active Member
the purple is an indication that it suffered a frost or two. The cold weather can slow the process down...I say you still have some time left...couple weeks min. But what do I know???