How Long Medical Marijuana Stay in our System?

I have read and been tested positive up to 60 days after smoking. The thc stores in our fat cells and is cleared out slowly depending on many physical factors.
It depends on how frequently you smoke marijuana.The more cannabis you consume, the longer time THC it will take to clear from your system.If it is ingested then it takes longer to be absorbed into the blood. However, in a urine test, it can be detected up to 13 days. Even after quitting heavy smokers can show a positive test for about 90 days
It depends on how frequently you smoke marijuana.The more cannabis you consume, the longer time THC it will take to clear from your system.If it is ingested then it takes longer to be absorbed into the blood. However, in a urine test, it can be detected up to 13 days. Even after quitting heavy smokers can show a positive test for about 90 days
