How long? Rookie Grower

First time ever growing bud... smoke so much I said might as well try

But I’m coming into the final stages of my first grow and I’m trying to see how much more time people think is needed... or even if it’s ready now. 70CFBD52-26F0-40EE-A925-23BF486F952C.jpegD3FCB8C6-F125-467A-BB5D-67F47093758D.jpeg86C74A93-EBF5-49E1-92A9-E3B38B94D3F2.jpeg2B270293-D095-4B19-A82A-9D99D854A2F1.jpeg
Scope half way down the bud, not top because it degrades first and middle gives you a more accurate idea of where she's at, all cloudy no clear with some amber trics is best imo. Very pretty girl, enjoy her.
Well it's close. Though the third picture shows quite a few white pistols.
The fourth picture looks pretty good but it seems there might be a nanner poking out on the upper left side of the bud. Its too late to worry about that now though.