How long should I dry/cure a 2 foot plant with about 3oz on it?

What are some ways to cure just one plant? Fast and best ways to dry. I just cut it down, took the leaves off and just have it up side down. Cut it down 5 minutes ago. PLease help I don't want to mess up my first plant.


Active Member
put a dehumidifier in the room. If you want to sample, just take a bud and put it in the microwave (from what I hear).

What I do is I cut my bud leaving about 3 inches of stem that I can hold on to. I trim off all the main leaves. Hang it upside down for about 5-6 days depending on humidity. It was winter so I had it going for 5 days and it was pretty dry. Then I snipped off all the little buds into a glass jar. After 24h, I open the jar for an hour and close it. Then two days for an hour and so on.

All this I got from here on RIU. Do some research and you will find the best way. Be confidant in yourself. If you flowered a plant, then the hardest part is already done.


+1 to budsbunny's advice...curing time depends on the size of the nugs too...larger ones take longer. Give the larger ones about 7 days to hang dry, then put them in jars when the outside is dry and crispy, but the stem still has a little moisture. Some say to wait till stem snaps, others say wait till it just bends. If you are paranoid about mold, then wait till stems snap. Smaller buds might only take a few days to air dry, then they go into jars. Throw some stems in there with em to help them dry out a little slower. Make sure to open up the jars and let them breathe a little, and if you smell any mold (once you know the smell it is easy to recognize) then lay them out to dry immediately. But as long as you don't jar them too early, and you make sure to open the tops and let the jars air out, you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
If you got a 2 ft plant with 3 oz on it please post a picture, I would guess you have maybe a oz. Why would you cut it down then ask "what should I do?"

Trim it, Hang it and Dry it, Bag it. The SEARCH function is pretty cool too.. JR
I did some reseach and I came up with 20-30 days drying curing in jars everything, is this accurate? And the plant was 26 inches after I took all the leaves off trimmed it down it weighs 139 grams. How many grams can I exspect of dry smokeable bud