how long till i should crop?


Active Member

this was a mother plant put into flower a few weeks ahead of rest of crop

i have no microscope

am gonna uplug from ebb & flow tonight to flush for a week

calyxes have not expanded greatly yet but 50% of pistals are brown/reddish

i pulled a bud yesturday - dont smoke well due to nutes + seems weak


i know u gonna tell me to get a x25 microscope and it is on my list for b4 i crop my other plants but not in time for this one:(

any tips / help much appriciated


Active Member
Cant tell with those pics.....use a digital cam....that you can zoom in with then check the image on the computer......milky trichomes-20% amber....but this is a matter of taste.


Active Member
i am crap with my cam - i can zoom in but its well out of focus :(

its been 8 yrs since my last crop and i am worried that the buds are so small and light - i know they almost double over the last 10 days but i see almost 50% red pistals so in theory should be min 4 days away imo and i dont see much expansion.

someone hold my hand :D i am over worrying i am sure oh and strung out cause i have no cash for bud (wont be a prob soon)

happy new year all


Well-Known Member
any idea what strain and how long it's been in flower? It doesn't look great, but the pics are too fuzzy to even really tell much. I can tell you it's not done, by the pics, and your own description. Wait till almost all the hairs turn; you should see a dramatic reduction in new growth (meaning new white hairs) it should be almost nill. You will also see many hairs start to curl in and recede. Somewhere in here get a scope, and start getting a feeling for trich behavior (research can help a lot here, look at scope pics of trichs). A combination of these signals will tell you a good time to chop. It's an art, you get better with practice.


Active Member
You've got a lot of leaf curl, looks like a cal-mag def. That could definately be stunting their growth. Get that problem fixed and then you have a while till they are done. You didn't mention how long they have been in flower?


Active Member
good tip on the white pistal growth Gobbly just the sort of tip i was looking for thanx :*

and yeah Godsave u may be right - this particluar plant was given to me by someone who needed to turn his room back to veg - and this baby was way slower than the rest of his crop - the roots look shocking (brown) and i have cut off loads of lower growth as it was dusty with mould :(

still a free plant is always a bonus

i think this plant has been on 12/12 for 9 or 10 weeks now - it was obviously a sickly plant so i am not too fussed

i have smoked some of this and it dont give the bodily stoned effect - only a mild heady stoned effect

anyway nothing i can do for this one now really - good news is my crop i grown from seed is flying now - looks about 3 weeks away:D

check out my pic journal link below