how long under sun


New Member
how long should it take for 12 plants to grow to flower from seed under just the sun... I started 5 seeds 3 weeks ago and 7 more 2 weeks ago....they are still tiny and they are getting lots of sunlight... so do they just grow slow when they are really young because my last plants grew fast. hmmm


Well-Known Member
depends on how long they veg :)

they can be under 12/12 from seed and begin to flower as soona s possible, and it all depends on genetics


Well-Known Member
Depends on the season, but since you started around the beginning of June, I'd say you'd have about a month to a month and a half of veg before the plant starts to flower.

But, another factor to look at is where you live and how much daylight (and sunlight) you get per day. As long as you get at least 13-17 hours of daylight, you'll be vegging.