How long until sex shows?


Well-Known Member
so ive had a few clones in my op on 12/12 and its been since the 11th, ive still not seen any sex on any of my clones, all except one, and it was a male. the rest....nada. whats the deal?


Well-Known Member
it takes 7 to 14 days to show sex.. sometimes longer... you should start seeing it anytime now.. remember your clones had to change the hormones from rooting/vegging hormones to flowering hormones and then start sexing.. it can take a couple weeks for them to switch hormones then a couple more to show sex.. so theres a possibility of 4 weeks before you see sex... just depends.. gotta be patient... my ? for you is why are some of your clones males?? why dont you have all females clones?? that doesnt make much sense...



Well-Known Member
i had to clone them from 3 different bag seeds, due to lack of money to fund the whole buyin seeds, but im workin on that. i tooke clones, and put them into flower as soon as they rooted, the 2nd or 3rd one to root turned out male....the rest...a mystery cuz ive been watchin with my globe scope and have yet to see any pistils. or sacks for that matter. knock on wood. but it was just better chances that one of these would be female. (not the clones, the plants) im flowerin em to findout which one is female its still an on going process.


when the plants are geting close to flower you should see white hairs on them if the have theses there are female


Well-Known Member
igot a white widow cross at the mo with aload of big buddha chiesel the chiesel sexed in 3/4 days the white took nearly 3 weeks but its gonna be worth it. different conditions and growing enviroments not to mention strain can effect the amount of time needed for sex to be shown