How long will cutting survive?

313 Kronix

Active Member
The reason I ask is because there is a guy who sells cuttings and I can clone them myself but he lives about 50 miles away. Will the cuttings survive long enough for me to meet him half way and get them back to my house to throw into my cloner?


Well-Known Member
Yeah... cuttings can last days. I've had some last weeks. Just make sure to cut the bottoms again right before sticking in your cloner and to keep em wet while traveling - wet paper towels surrounded by aluminum foil works great.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i havw cut limbs off and wraped a wet paper towel around the ends and rolled them up and put them into 1 gallon zip lock bags and maild them to my brother in cali.. took 4 days to get there. they then took 14 cutting of the limb and 12 made it to the end


Active Member
I put cuts in party cups half full of water and travel about that distance, works fine for me.


Well-Known Member
moist in a baggie werks great,put'em in the fridge like that and they last about 5 weeks and still root.


Well-Known Member
i have found that those little water things at the bottom of the stems of roses that you buy works well.