how long will it take to start flowering?


Ive switched them to striclty a 12-12 cycle for over a week now and I'm starting to see very few pistols forming, but no buds yet. what am I doing wrong? It just keeps growing taller and making more branches. I need it to hurry up and bud already!


Active Member
make sure there is no light leaks at all that there in solid dark for that 12/12 or you might have issues


Active Member
Ive switched them to striclty a 12-12 cycle for over a week now and I'm starting to see very few pistols forming, but no buds yet. what am I doing wrong? It just keeps growing taller and making more branches. I need it to hurry up and bud already!
You still have at least 8 wks to go mate, In the first few weeks of flower they get taller by quite abit, Its still to early to see bud production, Your see alot more pistils forming over the next few weeks then your see bud pruduction.
Give it time


Well-Known Member
It's only the first week of flowering. It'll grow taller quicker within this time and you'll see more pistils form. At the 2nd or 3rd week you'll see buds starting to form. Just relax, this is perfectly normal.