How Long!!


Active Member
:twisted:Just a couple of questions,
I vegged my baby under 150w of flourex, for about 4 1/2 weeks and switched over to to hps. I just put it in flower 11 days ago. How long does it usually take to show sex? It has little nubs showing(not little balls) but nothing else yet. And is it normal for the new leaves to slow down on growth during this time. It was small and bushy before flowering and now its tall and lengthy(is that the hps) or is that normal during this phase?:confused: Thanks for all of your help so far.


Well-Known Member
It's normal for it to stretch when you switch to 12/12. It can double or even triple in height during the flowering phase.
Do you see any white hairs?


Active Member
Thanks for helping me major toke,
It seems like a lot of people dont like to answer questions for the new guy, but I see you all over this website and I know you know what your talking about. People like you are what keeps this website going. Thanks. There are no hairs yet but a lot of small single nubs growing on it where the branches meet, not bunches like balls though. a couple look like they are splitting off into two hairs at the top but they are still green not white.


Well-Known Member
well, you could be in luck. Females take longer to show than males. Keep a lookout and you should know soon enough. I've had some show sex within 4 days, some took 2 weeks. It depends on genetics.

If they don't show soon, check for light leaks which would slow down flower development.

Good luck!