how long


Active Member
i know you hang dry intill the stem snaps but how long is that??

and after that thay go into glass jars to curer i know i have to burp them but again how long do thay stay to cure??



Well-Known Member
I leave them hang untill I can smoke a fatty and it stays lit for me. It depends on how wet they are when they go in the jars. Burp them a couple of times a day at first. You'll know when they're dry enough to stop burping.


Active Member
i looked at that link thanks but all in was looking for is a ballbark as to hang time and cure time

what was your last time table??


Well-Known Member
Kinda depends on the size of your buds and the heat/humidity in your drying area. For me, it usually takes about four days to hang dry the small buds, and about six or seven for the larger buds. As for curing - I wouldn't go less than a week, but the longer you cure, the better your bud will be.


Active Member
It depends how dense your bud is and your temputure. I normally let it dry outside for 2~3 days and put it in a jar with lid open for another 2~3 days or until outside layer of bud is bit hard/crispy but sometiems the stems wont break at that time but i dont mine and close the jar and burp it once a day to smell/look. 3~4 days after doing that you can smoke SOME of the stash and will notice some hay/green smell but once breaking the bud the inside smell will be RAW/POTENT.
And from there if you wait another 2~3 weeks thats when the inside part of the potentcy smell/taste/looks come out.

I think curing and drying is REALLY important. Night and day different. such a big mistake for me from my previous harvest to fast dry and smoke fast. By the time stash was gone thats when the buds smoked and was most potent.
Hope that helps.

So fucking high right now. Bubbakush FTMFW>!