how long ?

hi people,i have a cheese plant (so i'm told)adopted her when she was a baby,,shes now 6 weeks in flower and blooming lovely but how long are cheese plants in flower,ive tried googling but come up with didnt answers,,pics will follow


New Member
Most plants require 8 weeks for flower. When about 80-90% of the pistils are reddish brown it is time to get hacking. If you look up the seed on a seedbank website it will tell you approx flowering time.
thanks bkbbudz,,does that mean i shud start giving her just water from now on as she is nearly 7 weeks and thanks for advice as she is my 1st grow


Weed Modifier
I use a scope to check trichomes with...bang on every time....soon as I see some amber...chop chop!

Got a pic?


Well-Known Member
Most plants require 8 weeks for flower. When about 80-90% of the pistils are reddish brown it is time to get hacking. If you look up the seed on a seedbank website it will tell you approx flowering time.
No offence but thats a awful way to try to judge if the plant is ready. you need to look at trichome maturation and caylx swelling, not the pistil color.