how many clones? 400W HPS 3'X3'X6' suggestions. .


Well-Known Member
ok, so im planning to build a 3X3X6 frame out of 2X4s or 2X3s and fully enclosing it with panda film. . i have a 4" vortex for exhuast and a cheap 6" duct booster for intake and a oscillating fan for inside the growbox. . does that sound like sufficient ventilation for a 400w hps? also. . i was planning to do 4 clones (2 cheese, 2 afghani bullrider) in 3 or 5 g pots. . or would fitting 9 clones in smaller pots and vegging for a shorter period work out better? i know there are many things to consider. . but any suggestions. . opinions would be appreciated. .