How Many Grows Do U Have?

John Ames

There are a lot of seasoned veterans here. Do you keeps track of how many grows you have done? I have 6, working on the 7th one right now. Just want to see how low I am on the totem poles. Besides, this area is never being used so I figured I'd pop the question here. And please don't be shy. ;)


Well-Known Member
About 2 grows in 25 years that gets ravaged by botrytis from veg to clone to flower, wutever, just wutever, brown doodoo of death


Well-Known Member
I don't know but its been a long ride. Started figuring out this plant in the mid 70s. Took time of to raise a family. Always Outdoor but healt has ended long hikes to the gorilla grounds . Still trying to figure out this plant. Now I have a tent. Not an expert by any means.


Well-Known Member
Been growing a lil over 2 yrs. At this point, i have grows that overlap & plants I've had to trash, which makes me lose track. Even threw out my old harvest notes and volumes, because, quite frankly, nobody cares about that shit but me, LOL

At this point, i just try to focus on each individual plant as needed, until each are finished.