How many hits do you take?

Just kinda curious, I'm extremely stoned right now and was having a random though. I just started smoking again after an 8 year break, before that 8 year break I smoked every day fora bout 6 years straight. I never once owned a scale when younger, and don't really have 1 now either. I've always measured my weed by eye, which I thought was useful for when picking up weed from the dealer. I usually just pack into my bowl based on how many hits I want to take. How many hits are people usually taking?


Well-Known Member
That's all gonna be potency dependant, as well as what time of day smoking.
Good smoke during day, 2 to 3 good bong rips or cpl hits on vape.. Night time, whole j, or party bowl full.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Just kidding, it depend swhat i'm smoking, some strains can be smoked all day like killing fields, others like super chrystal can and must be limited since they make my brain go into meltdown after 6-7 bong rips.


Well-Known Member
2 or 3 then i usually go back for more an hour later to keep my buzz. i rarely get stoned stupid anymore although its would probably do me good lol
2-3 or a good bong rip at a time then I'll come back in 30min to 4 hrs later. When I smoke more I usually find myself just wasting herb, and not experiencing marijuana for it's full effect. That's just me, to each their own.

That being said, I do like to go big when having a bbq or on a holiday or something like that.


Active Member
i like to take a few hits(maybe 3-4)and get some things done-go on break-few more hits -go get some things done and so forth. but that is just me. lol


Well-Known Member
well, back when I was home and had MMJ, would be at least a full pipe or bong bowl, usually 2...
But was normally dabs...

2-4 dabs would always get me nice and toasted, some high quality shit of course... I just vaped way to much oil to get stoned off the buds :P Still appreciated a nice heavy CBD strain after those 4 dabs, youd be flyin high then BAM right on the groudn with that CBD/THC ratio... mmm mmm mmmmmmm