how many more growin dayz left?????


Well-Known Member
Hey, I live more in southorn Ontario and was wondering how many more growing days you figure i got left. I need as much time as i can to let my plants finish?? I can bring the plants inside at night to protect from frost but just wondering if maybe i can got into November???


Well-Known Member
according to weather network the daytime temps are going back up in the 20's late october so i might just be in luck.


Well-Known Member
i got some out that wont be done to november, theyll be fine, this years alot warmer than last year too, maybe longer


Well-Known Member
follow this link and select your town, it should then bring you to a long term forecast chart and it will say Frost on the side and if its expected or not, you can use this for anywhere, just in the top left hand corner enter your towns name

The Weather Network - Lawn and Garden - Ontario Cities Index
Yeah, ive been on that site alot, good site. Im not to concerned about the frost tho becuase my plants can be put into a garage at night so unless its real cold during the day or snows looks like im in good shape. I'll post some pics soon. Thanks