how many plants? -1000w 5' X 5' X 6.5 tent


I would like to know how many plants I should use

I'll be using a 1000 watt hps during flowering in a 5' X 5' by 6.5ft tall tent

-I would like to grow master or bubba kush
-I would like to veg clones for 1 month

also for power concerns I don't want to use a 100 wat MH, so i was thinking compact fluorescent or 600 watt mh i'd perfer to use florescent but once I switch to flowering would switching from a CFL in veg to 1000watt hps in flowering be harmful to the plants?

this is my first post and any help would be greatly appreciated

bob harris

Well-Known Member
SOOO many questions left unanswered...but the short answer is somewhere between 4 and 24...kinda depends on how ya wanna grow them. Big, full plants, maybe 6...sea of many as you can fit.

What light you veg under won't bother the plants when you flip tp 1000w...just keep it high till they get used to it, but to answer your question any more accurately, I'd need to know is temperature controlled? 1000 watts in a tent is some heat....soil, hydro? so many variables.

The easiest answer is tha a given space can only yield so much, be it 4 giants, or 20 one cola "telephone poles"'s kinda like asking how many fish can I put in an aquarium....depends on the size of the fish....


ok first off thanks for your help, I will be using soil, the size of the pots is undecided. the goal is to get the biggest yield possible. I have an air cooled hood and i will be buying a airconditioner/d-hum.
i recently built a 5 1/2'x7 1/2'x4 1/2' closet with 1 1000 watt hps and it holds 8 5 gallon buckets loosely so im goin for that.or SOG a bunch of 32 ounce cups and create a minature forrest of foot tall plants all single buds.but im waitin til i harvest my remaining 6 ladies igot coz theyre all different ages and getting to be a headache with time and nutes and all that shit...good luck anyways ima need it to get some good first plant i harvested it 2 weeks too early.smoked great but tasted like perfumey weed bein a noob and anxiuos plus nerves got to me hahaha


Well-Known Member
you can do more than that boss man, i have a grow op im doing now just started flowering 2 weeks ago. so here is my set up, a 4x4 tent, 1000wat light system 4x4 table, 40gal rez, 80 5.5 pots, 2 6inch fans 440 cfm, one fan on the hood the other on the filther. all clones were taken at 4 inches, veg the clones for 2weeks then went into flowering. i like the Al B Fuct sog so, i just tweeked it a little. i'm not sure how much weight i will get but i'm hopeing around 3-4 pounds. i veg with GH and flowered with AN,koolbloom, carboload,budblood,flora bloom, flora nectar. the breeds are bubba kush, chocolope,bluemoon shine ,vanillia kush, and about 6 others i cant remember. all breeds are done around 8-10 weeks. hpoe this helps.


So your saying, your using only 1 1000 watt light and you expect to get 3-4 pounds?? Also your using 80 plants, won't each plant need more light?? Isn't that too much yield to expect from 1 1000 and only 16 sqft. Can anyone clarify
Hi im new to this forum but not new to growing (i think this is my first post too?). I have a similar size setup to you but slighty longer and i am growing 27 plants in hydro with 3 600w Air cooled lights, Its a scrog grow and i use 11l pots. I always use a scrog as its so much easyier to manage. Hope this helps.