How many plants can I fit in a 8x4 tent?


Well-Known Member
Hello all,
I have a 8x4ft tent and i grow using 7gal pots. How many should I be able to put in there without over crowding? Right now I have Blueberry, White widow, Kandy Kush, Orange bud, twilight, and mekong High. I plan on cloning the blueberry, white widow, and the kany kush...well hells, I might just clone them all and pack em in there. Any advice will help!


Well-Known Member
i dont know try setting the pots in it if they are to close bad grow since they need room to grow dont over packthe tent unless you want dwarfs.


Well-Known Member
Try a scrog and you will be able to make more out of just a few plants. Makes a few 2-3 plants look like 4-5 guessing you got a 600w hps


Active Member
I can fit 12-18 plants without overcrowding in an 8x4 tent in five gallon pots, topped and trained, vegged for 6 weeks or so. Hope this helps, whats your veg time and grow style? I can probably give you a more accurate estimate with those questions answered.


Well-Known Member
yea if your not planning on training I would not go more than 8. If your planning on maxing out the space I would only add 4-6 more if are going to train and top.


Well-Known Member
I can fit 12-18 plants without overcrowding in an 8x4 tent in five gallon pots, topped and trained, vegged for 6 weeks or so. Hope this helps, whats your veg time and grow style? I can probably give you a more accurate estimate with those questions answered.
12-16 sounds right. I tried 50 and it was WAY to many:

Literally as many as I could fit:



old thread
but question....... About your setup.... do your hpss lights have cool tubes, or is it just the lamp and if it is how do u keep the tent cool?