how many plants can i safely fit (pics)


Well-Known Member
hey all i have a 2 foot wide by 4 foot long space as shown below and i was wondering how many of the white 9x9 pots i can safely have in there without them growing all crazy and into eachother...was thinking of putting up a screen for that nice even canopy but yea..i can fit about 24 pots total in rows of 3 im removing the mother plant obviously but im guessing 24 plants is way to much for this space so any help is appreciated


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Depends on the wattage , air flow , strain(whether it grows bushy or str8 up) etc , but roughly in a space like that if scrogging u could fit maybe 9 if not i wud say 4. Just my 2 cents hope i helped , Good Luck.

Happy Growing!
It depends on how tall you are going to grow your plants, obviously if you are going to veg your plants longer you will need to have bigger pots! In a 2X4 you could have 3-4 plants in 5 gal buckets. If you are going to do a scrog or sog it all depends on you and your exp on how many you can grow in there withought over crowding. Over crowding your plants is asking for trouble with pests/disease.
imma newbie grower i got a 12 air king and a 6 inch vortec for having them in 9x9 pots is to small to get larger plants out of? i was going to try to get a prepetual thing going but like i said i am new so might be a little hard off the bat..also they grow semi bushy if you top them you can make a big ol bush here is the mom..she is almost 90 days old from clone, ive taken at that point about 12 clones from her


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