How many plants should i grow in a 1.2m x 1.2m x 1.8m tall grow tent.

just wondering how many girls i could grow in my tent without overcrowding, also any nice/ high yeilding strains??

thanks :lol:


Well-Known Member
question too vague and lacking supporting material to get a proper response, except random answers like 1 to 100...
i have a 1.2 x.1.2 x 1.8 tall ten with 600w light i want to obv get the best yeild possibe and will be growing BBcheese and finishing the plants at about 3ft, i wont be topping the many do you think would go in comfortably.will overcrowding affect my yeild of will it possibly increase my yield?



Active Member
I am interested in the answers here. I am on my first grow in a long time and first time period in my tent. I fell into 15 plant from a friend who was over their legal amount. I have them all in a 2'x4'x7' tent with 600w hps. They are 6 weeks into 12/12 and doing nicely. They are not nearly at the potential they could be though. I'll post pics later but I have noticed definite differences in the strains and have planned my next crop accordingly.
2 Sour Diesel
2 Grand Daddy Purp
1 Grape God
1 Blue Dream
1 White Widow
1 Black Domina
7 Black Haze