How many plants?


Active Member
Using soil how many plants could I use maximum in a 4footx4foot space? Jorge Cervantes says for every 40" x40" (3.333') area you can generally have 16 plants. That seems like a lot to me. And I'm wanting these plants to grow pretty tall. Tall enough that flowering takes them to the maximum height with 18" light distance+reflector height in mind. And not to burn the plants.

I want to grow as many in the 4x4 space and as tall as I can safely.

How many plants?


Active Member
Do you think my 6 bushy & tall plan will yield more than a SOG? These babes will be reaching up 18-20 inches from the reflector and the ceiling is 9' tall. Anyways SOG would be tough with soil, the watering would be a pain in the butt.

How much would you guess they'd yield with a 600watt mass spectum HPS? (the HPS bulb with the extended spectrum)