How many quarts of each nutrient will i need to buy for 3 plants?


Active Member
I can make a litre last a month and a half, but I am hydro with very light nutrient feeding. I think its based on the brand you are looking at what you should add. Just never add as much as the company says they just want you to max your plant out on nutes so you can buy more. Very risky. But yeah, it is cheaper in the long run to buy gallon.


Well-Known Member
I grow 3-4 plants at a time in a neutral (no nutes) soil.

one quart is plenty for more than one grow. I use dynago. I have 3 plants going 2 weeks into flower. I water about twice a week, 2 gal each time total. Nutes every other water. Each gallon, so two per week, gets no more than about 1-1.5T of any nute.

Look up your brand's schedule, assume you will use about 75% of what they recommend and you can do the math...


Well-Known Member
Dyna fp is pretty good. get a small bottle if you go that route it tends to fall out of solution after a while.