How many run 24/7 lights?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what everyone does. I run 24/7 and my ladies love it. Top growth is amazing and my root mass is just as good. I grow in a cold basement so the light enables me to keep my grow rooms from getting too cold. What's everyone else running for light schedules?

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
I ran 24/0, 20/4, and 18/6 and i've only noticed 24/0 being more beneficial if you have a lot of C02. Plants need to rest IMO. Mimicking nature is the best way to do it I believe.


bud bootlegger
i once read that plants grown under 24 hours of light would grow 33% faster then plants grown under 18 hours of light, so naturally i was all over it and switched to it right away...
ime, the plants seemed to grow a bit slower under 24 hours of light then they did when they got a dark, rest, period.. and they surely didn't grow any where near 33% faster like i had read..
i went back to 18/6 and haven't looked back..


New Member
I run 20/4. I feel like the dark cycle makes them stretch slightly and my tent cools down for a while. Also I like to have my shit off in the middle of the day for stealth.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. Mine get plenty of rest during flower. I've tried it all different ways and for me 24/7 gets my plants bigger quicker. I normally veg 5-6 weeks. 90% of the time they are showing preflowers before I even switch to 12/12.


bud bootlegger
Thanks for the reply. Mine get plenty of rest during flower. I've tried it all different ways and for me 24/7 gets my plants bigger quicker. I normally veg 5-6 weeks. 90% of the time they are showing preflowers before I even switch to 12/12.
amount of hours has nothing to do with showing sex in vegging plants, it's all about how old there are.. i never flip till i see sex either, and like i said, i run only 18 hours a day..


Well-Known Member
I have a woodstove which I run if it gets really cold. The constant light actually saves me money rather than paying 250 for a cord of wood every month.


Well-Known Member
amount of hours has nothing to do with showing sex in vegging plants, it's all about how old there are.. i never flip till i see sex either, and like i said, i run only 18 hours a day..
I only run clones. I just think they mature faster with constant light.


Active Member
i once read that plants grown under 24 hours of light would grow 33% faster then plants grown under 18 hours of light, so naturally i was all over it and switched to it right away...
ime, the plants seemed to grow a bit slower under 24 hours of light then they did when they got a dark, rest, period.. and they surely didn't grow any where near 33% faster like i had read..
i went back to 18/6 and haven't looked back..
I agree. I was running 24/0 for weeks but now 17/7. More growth after each dark period for sure


Active Member
It would make sense to me that 18/6 shows pre flowers before 24/0. The constant light means nothing but vegging hormones is being produced by the plant. But that's just a guess


Well-Known Member
It would make sense to me that 18/6 shows pre flowers before 24/0. The constant light means nothing but vegging hormones is being produced by the plant. But that's just a guess
My theory is the faster they mature the sooner you see preflowers.


Well-Known Member
Another positive thing about 24/7 is growing outdoors. I started some indoors last summer and put them out towards the end of June. They immediatley went into flower and I harvested the end of August. 4-6 weeks sooner then most other folks.


Well-Known Member
So weird...I just read this on another thread, posted by I forget who.

In the words of Ed Rosenthal:
"Cannabis under continuous light will grow 33% faster than the same plants on an 18-6 light regime."
I have no idea if its true or not though.


Well-Known Member
I've done 18/6 on my last grow and 24/0 right now and noticed nothing different. That would be because i'm not very observant but 24/0 works for me so i'm sticking with it.

Right now i just put my 1 month old clones in with my flowering plants under HPS for 12 hours (added blue spec) then 12 hours under 1 23w cfl to save power and i'm
still satisfied with growth and node spacing.


Well-Known Member
Here's my 3.5 week old purple kush clones. 24/7 lighting since get go. Just transplanted into final pots yesterday so there a little rough right now. Plants were in 1 gl pots and almost rootbound when potting up to 7gl buckets. 2 more weeks in veg then switch to flower.

