How many times a week during flowering should i feed with Tea

So Im past week 1 of flowering but im just wondering how many times i should feed a week with the tea. Dont want to overkill.
During veg i only gave her water + molasses now the tea for flowering is as follows:

Artesian Spring Water, Fossilized High Phosphorus Bat Guano, Fossilized High Phosphorus Seabird Guano, Worm Castings, Azomite, Unsulphured Molasses, Humic Acid, Beet Root Extract, Comfrey Hay Extract, Alfalfa Meal Extract, Endo and Ecto Bacteria..

Other things to know: FFOF soil, Northern LIghts strain :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
It would depend on the strength of them and the raw materials put in. But id say once a week should be good. Start off with that and if theyre showing any def after a week or 2 then id say youre good to bump it up.

Make sure you keep track of your recipe so that you can tweak it to work just right. Its hard with teas because you never really know how much is getting pulled out of your raw materials but as long as your raw materials are consistent than you should be able to dial it in.

Throw up some pictures! always good to see em growin.