how many times should i water my plants


Well-Known Member
Well if it's inside I'm just assuming you would water it a lot less as the water wouldn't evaporate as much inside. Usually you don't water them daily, well I don't outside. Just about once a day every two days. Only when the soil feels dry a bit down into the pot. Also it depends what size pot you have them in. As they will stretch the roots to get water from the bottom. I would think inside maybe once every 3, 4 days? Whenever the pot is really light. You can feel the difference when you just watered and when it's dry. Also if you want you could wait until the plant droops a bit. I usually check on my plants and they're about to droop. It has been hot here, and not much rain until this past week.


Well-Known Member
you need to give more info to get a straight answer.. like what grow method and medium are you using?


Active Member
water when the plants need it. Keep a close eye on ya plants and check the weight of the pot, get a feel of how heavy the pot is when the leaves start to droop. You should be watering just before the leavesa are about to droop and the best way to identify this time is by the weight of the pot, takes seconds and works a treat. You will find that watering times vary from once a week to every day towards the end.