How much bud with these girls throw me?

Hello RIU. Long time lurker, first time poster.

To begin, this is my first grow and I am looking for any comments/advice any of you may have.

These are my plants, all 9 are girls and roughly 1 month old... I just finished removing the males and was lucky with 9/15 being female. I put them in 12/12 exactly 1 week ago. I should have vegged much longer I know, but this is my first time and I am really excited and just can't wait to see how they turn out!! Space is also an issue and I don't think my light could handle many large plants so I decided to flower early.

All nine are roughly 1 foot tall, and were pretty bushy until I began flowering, now they have stretched quite a bit and are much more stemmy... There are 3 Nirvana Bubbleicious, 4 Nirvana Northern Lights, and 2 Nirvana Freebies. These were all started from regular seeds, not feminized or autos.

They are under a 250W HPS, and are fed GH nutes for 15 minutes twice a day during the 12 hour lighting period via dripping from a 12 gallon res. They are in 4x4 inch rockwool cubes and each in 1 gallon pots filled with orchid pellets. Temperature is a steady 65-70 F at ALL times. I also have a fan blowing on them during the lighting period. I completely change out the res once every other Sunday and keep the PH at a consistent 5.5-6.0 whilst checking it everyday.

I know this is a vague question and the true answer will depend on how the plants are taken care of in the coming weeks. But for the experienced growers here I am just wondering what your thoughts are on how much I can expect?

Once again this is my first time and everything I've learned has been from reading what you guys have had to say here on RIU, so thank you for that, and thanks in advance for any comments. =)

See plants below:



Well-Known Member
9 plants under a single 250w HPS???

Well I know for a fact that Bubbilicious isnt a high yielding plant..not sure about the others....I'm guessing just under a half oz per plant.
9 plants under a single 250w HPS???

Well I know for a fact that Bubbilicious isnt a high yielding plant..not sure about the others....I'm guessing just under a half oz per plant.
Yeah it's crammed I know.. I didn't expect 9/15 to end up being female. I figured around 6 or 7 with a couple more being weak.. but they all seem to be doing pretty well so I'd feel bad chopping any of them.

I've always read a 250W is good for a 3x3 area which is where I'm at now. Is this true/false?


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's crammed I know.. I didn't expect 9/15 to end up being female. I figured around 6 or 7 with a couple more being weak.. but they all seem to be doing pretty well so I'd feel bad chopping any of them.

I've always read a 250W is good for a 3x3 area which is where I'm at now. Is this true/false?
True. I wouldnt cut any plants at this point. if you want a bigger harvest, you're gonna need a bigger light