How much can 1 plant yield!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi all just some info I found that some may find interesting.

How Much Cannabis Can I Yield Per Plant?

One of the most popular questions regarding marijuana is “How much can I expect to get?” or “How much
usable marijuana will a single plant provide?” There are no simple answers to this question as each situation
depends on a number of variables.
Many people take up growing weed and they have a variety of reasons for doing so. In every case, you want to
get the most out of your crop. Whether you’re growing for medical reasons or you just want to make a little
money on the side, the overall yield is a top priority for all growers. Download my free marijuana grow bible
at this link for more information about growing marijuana.
Increase cannabis yield per plant indoors
Lights are of the utmost importance when you’re growing indoors. Experienced growers can produce about a
gram of marijuana per watt of light (1 gram = 0,035 oz). So, a 400-watt HPS lamp can potentially translate to
400 grams or 14 oz of usable cannabis. Likewise, a grow room with 1200 watts of light will produce 1.2
kilograms or 42 oz of cannabis. Having the right equipment, adequate nutrient solutions, beneficial air quality,
and other valuable factors is important for producing the highest yields. Making sure the plants have space to
grow is also key. Beginners can expect to yield grass as follows:
Marijuana Yields in Imperial measurements
• An average of around 1.5 to 2.0 oz (3.5 oz for advanced growers) with 200-watt CFL lamps in a grow
cabinet that measures 3.5 x 1.5 x 6.5 ft.
• An average of around 3.0 to 5.0 oz (9.0 oz for advanced growers) with a 250-watt HPS lamp in a
grow cabinet that measures 3.5 x 1.5 x 6.5 ft.
• An average of around 4.5 to 9.0 oz (14 oz for advanced growers) with a 400-watt HPS lamp in a grow
room that measures 3.5 x 3.5 x 7 ft.
• An average of around 5.0 to 10 oz (21 for advanced growers) with a 600-watt HPS lamp in a grow
room that measures 4 x 4 x 8 ft.
• An average of around 9.0 to 18 oz (36 for advanced growers) with a 1000-watt HPS lamp in a grow
room that measures 5 x 5 x 8 ft.

Marijuana Yields in Metric measurements
• An average of around 40 to 60 grams (100 for advanced growers) with 200-watt CFL lamps in a grow
cabinet that measures 1 x 0.5 x 2 m
• An average of around 80 to 150 grams (250 for advanced growers) with a 250-watt HPS lamp in a
grow cabinet that measures 1 x 0.5 x 2 m
• An average of around 100 to 250 grams (400 for advanced growers) with a 400-watt HPS lamp in a
grow room that measures 1 x 1 x 2.5 m,
• An average of around 150 to 300 grams (600 for advanced growers) with a 600-watt HPS lamp in a
grow room that measures 1.2 x 1.2 x 2.5 m.
• An average of around 250 to 500 grams (1000 for advanced growers) with a 1000-watt HPS lamp in a
grow room that measures 1.5 x 1.5 x 2.5 m.
Individual Cannabis Plant Yield
Indoor growth doesn’t bring with it a lot of certainty in terms of yield per plant. If you have only four plants
per lamp, then you’ll yield much more than you would with total of sixteen plants for every lamp. You should
consider these things prior to choosing how many plants you want to grow:
• If you’ve only got 4 plants, your crop will be ruined if even one gets a disease or dies
• Vegetative growth lasts longer with only four plants. You should want to force flowering when the
tips of the leaves are touching. If there are more plants, the leaves touch quicker.
• Four plants are easier to manage than sixteen.
• If someone catches you, you only have four plants to your name.
Either way, growing four plants using a 600-watt HPS lamp could produce about 150 grams or 5.0 oz per
plant. Sixteen plants that are grown under a 600-watt HPS lamp could produce about 37.5 grams or 1.3 oz of
marijuana per plant.
Increase marijuana plant yield outdoors
Under perfect, outdoor conditions, you can expect yields to extend to 500 grams or 17.5 oz per plant. Space is
a necessity (at least two meters) along with water, nutrients, and a dearth of pests and diseases. If you use
containers, they should be at least 50 liters or 15 gallons in size. It’s a good idea to germinate the seeds early
on to allow the plants time to grow large. It’s best to germinate indoors where you can manage the humidity
and the temperature for the seedlings. Again, 500 grams (17.5 oz) per plant is possible if everything goes as
Aside from an adequate amount of sun, water, and nutrient quality, the actual genetics of the plant play a very
important role. Seeds are vital and you need to have some exceptional seeds at your disposal.
Shut up n catch your shit View attachment 4390324
Keep sending me shit I find it interesting how people get satisfaction out of giving me shit for absolutely no reason. As said at the top of the post some may find this interesting if you don't then no bother move on. Why leave a shitty comment I will never understand you people. I'll just sit back have a joint and smile while watching you little bitches bitching about something so fucking stupid.
Keep sending me shit I find it interesting how people get satisfaction out of giving me shit for absolutely no reason. As said at the top of the post some may find this interesting if you don't then no bother move on. Why leave a shitty comment I will never understand you people. I'll just sit back have a joint and smile while watching you little bitches bitching about something so fucking stupid.

I’m smoking one right now & laughing at you right now for getting all that sand in your vagina .

Most people don’t wanna read a book of a post .
I did a scrog. With a 5 gallon fabric pot in soil. Got 5.14 ounces. I was under a custom build 200watt or 220watt LED strip I believe in a 3x3 tent. That’s true wattage as well.
How much can a plant yield?



Nothing - 10 pounds.

Personal best for me is just shy of 2 pounds dry premium bud. With several oz of personal smoke, indoors.

Outdoor personal best was 5 lbs.