How much could I realistically get from 2 plants in 5 gal bubblers?


Well-Known Member
Starting a new grow soon but undecided as to go with coco or DWC. I have enough room for either of them but which would do the best given perfect conditions under a 400w HPS. The only problem I can see with DWC is that rez temps might get a lil bit high (23-24c) but thats it. I was aiming for about 4 oz a plant in coco. Not sure how much I could achieve in DWC.. What would you guys run with if you had the choice?


Well-Known Member
I'm running hydroponics right now in a water farm and I can say it trumps any type of growing method as far as efficiency of your plants and growth rates. It's incredible. Realistically in a DWC you could yield on average a quarter pound give or take 2 ounces. If proper canopy management (aka ScrOG), I've seen people harvest up to 11 ounces per plant. Some can get a pound per plant, but usually that requires knowing the strain very very indepthly and understanding the nutrients along with the system you using. I'd say coco is an easier choice and less temperamental, but you get more results with hydroponics. They're are just kinda hard to dial in at first.


Well-Known Member
my goal is 8 oz per plant and if more, then very welcomed ;) and in a 6.5 gallon "tub."

i also kept it at about 3-3.5 gallons in the tub.