how much do caregivers give to patients for free?

cary schellie

Active Member
I have two patients that are related to me. One of my other cousins told my patients that his caregiver gives him 2 1/2 oz of OG Kush every 6 weeks for free. Where I live patients are not allowed to buy it from me but can reinburse me for growing costs. I have never received a penny from either one of my patients, they go to the dispensary and spend $100 a quarter a few times a week, then when there broke they want free free free, from guess who? me. I'm still new and I dont have thing dialed in yet so I'm not getting big yields, I haven't even covered my start up cost yet. What do u guys think??????????:wall:
Tell them they can either shop at a ripoff dispensary or shop at you for reasonable rates but you won't be the one to give them free weed when they can't afford it.

Family will fuck you over faster than any stranger if you let them.
I give one of my patients an ounce per month for free. If she wants or needs another one that month it is 50 bucks. 100 if ever for a third but she doesn't smoke that much in a month. My other patient does my laundry so she can have all she wants. I don't think it even covers my costs but it helps keep it down a bit. I have a good job. I grow for the fun of it and, well, I can.
You legally can't charge more for the mmj than the cost of cultivation, but you can still charge for misc "caregiver services" like time spent or labor. Make out a legal bill with the cost of it took to grow a certain amount divided by what the patient was purchasing and underneath that charge extra for your services. Product and labor are two very separate things.
You could add implicit costs as well; opportunity costs etc. If you could make more money doing something other than growing weed then you have incurred implicit costs and can charge for that. At least in Economics. ;)
You can't charge for medical marijuana period but you can accept "donations'. Accepting money as a transaction and not a donation will get you locked up for distributing... it's stupid but it's all how you word it. That's how it is here in MI, not sure about anywhere else.

Currently I have one patient and they will get a free 1/2 oz per harvest. Once I start my next grow I plan to have another patient or two on board. Then I will offer 1 free oz per harvest. If they want or need more than that, I will ask for a $150 donation per oz family or not.
I have two patients that are related to me. One of my other cousins told my patients that his caregiver gives him 2 1/2 oz of OG Kush every 6 weeks for free. Where I live patients are not allowed to buy it from me but can reinburse me for growing costs. I have never received a penny from either one of my patients, they go to the dispensary and spend $100 a quarter a few times a week, then when there broke they want free free free, from guess who? me. I'm still new and I dont have thing dialed in yet so I'm not getting big yields, I haven't even covered my start up cost yet. What do u guys think??????????:wall:

I personally would charge everyone.It cost alot to grow with good equipment.unless someone came to me with hiv or cancer or cerebral palsey im sure I couldnt let that person suffer but they would get a quarter tops! and only the first taste is free. :)
this muther fucker came by the other day, "I'm in so much pain I can't stand it, I dont have money," then an hour later I drive past the park and dudes playing softball. The other guy said "ur growing my 12 plants, wheres my profit." I had to bite my tough. I spend $4500 on the set up of my own money, and dude didnt even get his card in the mail yet when he asked me that. They must think plants grow buds over night at 0 cost.
Tell him to grow his own if it's a profit he's looking for.

My patient doesn't have any money. I ended up getting them certified with money out of my pocket ($200 total). It's not a ton of money, I know but here's the thing. They were supposed to pay me back quickly... but it's been 3 months and still NO payback. They had the nerve to call me a few weeks ago and tell me they wanted to 'renegotiate' our agreement. I just laughed lol. Their friend that grows 72 plants is telling them I'm ripping him/her off. How about you hold up your end of our agreement before you try to renegotiate? Sounds fair enough to me. When you pay me my $175 (cuz I'll eat the $25 cost to the state for the application fee) then we can talk about you receiving more meds for free.
this muther fucker came by the other day, "I'm in so much pain I can't stand it, I dont have money," then an hour later I drive past the park and dudes playing softball. The other guy said "ur growing my 12 plants, wheres my profit." I had to bite my tough. I spend $4500 on the set up of my own money, and dude didnt even get his card in the mail yet when he asked me that. They must think plants grow buds over night at 0 cost.

family sucks so do dead beats.I trust NOONE in this world man.I dont let people walk over me either.demand respect you should be treated as good as your treating these people who obviously dont deserve it!
its ok no money no honey, ill keep growing dudes 12 plants untill he finds another caregiver, i'm pretty sure no ones gonna give him 2.5 every six weeks. if i lose his 12 plants oh well ill just start vegging like 3 weeks more and have the same yield.
he did say he was gonna order seeds. I told him for good fem seeds 20-25 each, he said hell no and gave me some bagseed, I grew em out and all morphed out, fucking part of my first crop
again today dude drives up with all new outfit and a 2011 gmc, "got any buds" i say got a donation, "man i didnt get my check yet"
im a patient in mi and i just grow my own bud and any left overs get donated to other patients for a small price. most caregivers just give a quarter oz at sign up, and then maybe a oz a month, but if u only have one patient and u harvest every 8 weeks one oz is alot to just give away, u should agree on a fair donation per oz and just keep it at that always
again today dude drives up with all new outfit and a 2011 gmc, "got any buds" i say got a donation, "man i didnt get my check yet"

Didnt get his check yet ?

Social security dissability ?

That shits became the new welfare for able body lazy people,they sign up,get denied,re apply,denied again,hire lawyer,win benifits along with 2 years back pay,then its off to the car lot for a $15,000 car & a bunch of clothes.
im a patient in mi and i just grow my own bud and any left overs get donated to other patients for a small price. most caregivers just give a quarter oz at sign up, and then maybe a oz a month, but if u only have one patient and u harvest every 8 weeks one oz is alot to just give away, u should agree on a fair donation per oz and just keep it at that always

That's exactly my thinking. An oz a month for one patient is a lot, especially when that's all you have is one patient. It would be tough to cover growing costs. I'm a MI caregiver with only one patient. If I had more patients I would offer more per harvest until my harvests were closer together but for now a 1/2 oz is all they get.
this muther fucker came by the other day, "I'm in so much pain I can't stand it, I dont have money," then an hour later I drive past the park and dudes playing softball. The other guy said "ur growing my 12 plants, wheres my profit." I had to bite my tough. I spend $4500 on the set up of my own money, and dude didnt even get his card in the mail yet when he asked me that. They must think plants grow buds over night at 0 cost.

Tell them to find another caregiver that will give them free stuff, it most likely wont happen! Most of the people willing to grow for someone and just give it to them after are usually growing for all the people they can. and just because someone else is getting that doesn't mean they get the same thing! I'm sure they have no idea how much the other people are actually getting or how big the grow. If they want to be dicks about it, you should rethink growing for them. Walk up to them with their cards in hand and tell them they just dont understand what it takes and you don't think it is going to work out growing for them. If they are upset about not getting it free why haven't they had person giving 2 1/2 oz every 6 weeks grow for them???? because he wont or cant!
I thought caregivers supply to the TRULY ILL and TRULY POOR, not some fuckers who can afford luxury items.

Like show me your check stub from SSI or SSD and then show me your bills, and that you really don't have extra money for your meds, THEN we'll see what I can do to help out.

And watch their ass like fucking workman's comp. If you see that mother fucker hopping around playing grab ass after he'd just been begging you, then next time your grow didn't turn out like you thought, don't have extra meds.

Oh and don't bite your tongue man, YOU are the one in control of this shit, don't let them step on you for free dope.