How much do I use??


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me about how much Dolmitic Lime to add per gallon of soil??

I use pro-mix plus a little perlite to help with drainage.

Also has anyone had problems with adding to much? I would like to find out a little more about what happens to the girls when this occures.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I think there might be a couple types but I'll give you the run down: I have been working with two strains. I started working with clones off my Hawaii Maui Waui outdoor stock last year, this was ok to start and I got to learn alot about the strain and think its better off outdoors! My other girls are ICE and also got some PPP coming. This shit takes the cake!! Stones the shit out of me and kinda fuely tasting and smelling. Any way, I started a bunch of seedlings and also have my clones of the other three strains in veg. room and first started to notice what looked like little black spiders to the naked eye, and these little longer whitish bugs that with the 30x scope start as larva looking things and the others look more white or see-through with a black inner. The mites were real bad all over the H.W.M but not much on the ICE. I think that was maybe the smell that was attracting them to one vs the other. Now ALL, even the seedlings look messed up!! I did a complete scrub down of the room and sprayed them then washed the leaves and now they look way WORSE!! PLEASE HELP if you can!! I think I might be able to load a pic or too, kinda new here. Thanks for listening if nothing else!! BLAZE OUT!!!


Well-Known Member
Bomb your veg room, then do it again in a week. Dolimite lime won't do anything to get rid of bugs.