How much do you smoke?


Well-Known Member
I smoke the most of all my friends, about an ounce a week, but that's because I don't grow (yet) and the stuff aint cheap. Curious how much other people are smoking.
I've been straight and narrow for a couple months now, seriously. Got a couple more to go...

But I get to watch my friends enjoy what I grow and that really does make up for it.
Are we talking weed or concentrates? Or both? On days off, up to a gram of quality concentrates, and between 2-5 grams of weed...I'm about to roll a blunt with like an 1/8 in it, and I've already been smoking all day...

I need to get a device to dab with, have been procrastinating for about a year now. I'll get to it. I can't do blunts. I used to, but the marijuana helps with my inflammation in my intestines, and the tobacco gets my stomach turning. If I could afford to smoke an eights in a joint though I would be soooo happy
I need to get a device to dab with, have been procrastinating for about a year now. I'll get to it. I can't do blunts. I used to, but the marijuana helps with my inflammation in my intestines, and the tobacco gets my stomach turning. If I could afford to smoke an eights in a joint though I would be soooo happy
Better start growing...

Yes, device for dabs, but grow and learn to make your own concentrates first...If you think weed is an expensive my acquaintances think i'm a baller when i bust out the copious amounts of dabs.
I need to get a device to dab with, have been procrastinating for about a year now. I'll get to it. I can't do blunts. I used to, but the marijuana helps with my inflammation in my intestines, and the tobacco gets my stomach turning. If I could afford to smoke an eights in a joint though I would be soooo happy

The most efficient way I've found to smoke is with a one hitter.

I totally agree on the spliff/blunt thing... weed tastes great by itself, why ruin it?

I'm a flower guy. I confess to being disappointed in both vape and dab methods, but try them and see for yourself.
Honestly, I thought I would struggle more with it than I have. The biggest side effect for me has been the odd dream where I forget that I'm on a break and hit a bowl... then I wake up, going 'oh shit!' Lol
I had those same dreams when I was in the military. It can be a little scary.

I took a 3 week break from the day after the superbowl until a week ago, it sucked. I was thinking about changing jobs and knew I'd have to piss for the new one and I wasn't sure how the system worked there yet. But then I got high and said fuck all that.
The most efficient way I've found to smoke is with a one hitter.

I totally agree on the spliff/blunt thing... weed tastes great by itself, why ruin it?

I'm a flower guy. I confess to being disappointed in both vape and dab methods, but try them and see for yourself.
I love the dabs because I'm what I like to affectionately call a "tweaker for weed"...Seriously, there is a REASON I haven't had a sober day in like 17 years...I should NOT be sober. EXCEPT, unlike a real tweaker, I'm not a piece of shit dirtbag. It's just how I try to describe how much I obsess over weed. Yeah, I think it pretty much rules my life...I'm okay with that.

Well, I was sober for one month almost 9 years ago when I had a nervous breakdown...I was on the verge of institutionalizing myself, but then I smoked literally ONE bowl, and started to come out of my downward spiral almost immediately.
I had those same dreams when I was in the military. It can be a little scary.

I took a 3 week break from the day after the superbowl until a week ago, it sucked. I was thinking about changing jobs and knew I'd have to piss for the new one and I wasn't sure how the system worked there yet. But then I got high and said fuck all that.
Why do people stop smoking for drug tests?