About Tree Fiddy.
I've been straight and narrow for a couple months now, seriously. Got a couple more to go...
But I get to watch my friends enjoy what I grow and that really does make up for it.
I took a tolerance break once; lasted a good 10 hours
Are we talking weed or concentrates? Or both? On days off, up to a gram of quality concentrates, and between 2-5 grams of weed...I'm about to roll a blunt with like an 1/8 in it, and I've already been smoking all day...
Better start growing...I need to get a device to dab with, have been procrastinating for about a year now. I'll get to it. I can't do blunts. I used to, but the marijuana helps with my inflammation in my intestines, and the tobacco gets my stomach turning. If I could afford to smoke an eights in a joint though I would be soooo happy
I need to get a device to dab with, have been procrastinating for about a year now. I'll get to it. I can't do blunts. I used to, but the marijuana helps with my inflammation in my intestines, and the tobacco gets my stomach turning. If I could afford to smoke an eights in a joint though I would be soooo happy
Damn bro, you're buying an oz a week to smoke? Where do you live and how much is an oz of top shelve bud?I smoke the most of all my friends, about an ounce a week, but that's because I don't grow (yet) and the stuff aint cheap. Curious how much other people are smoking.
If I was paying top shelf Cali prices, it calculates out to something like 10K+ a year for me...hahaDamn bro, you're buying an oz a weed to smoke? Where do you live and how much is an oz of top shelve bud?
I had those same dreams when I was in the military. It can be a little scary.Honestly, I thought I would struggle more with it than I have. The biggest side effect for me has been the odd dream where I forget that I'm on a break and hit a bowl... then I wake up, going 'oh shit!' Lol
I love the dabs because I'm what I like to affectionately call a "tweaker for weed"...Seriously, there is a REASON I haven't had a sober day in like 17 years...I should NOT be sober. EXCEPT, unlike a real tweaker, I'm not a piece of shit dirtbag. It's just how I try to describe how much I obsess over weed. Yeah, I think it pretty much rules my life...I'm okay with that.The most efficient way I've found to smoke is with a one hitter.
I totally agree on the spliff/blunt thing... weed tastes great by itself, why ruin it?
I'm a flower guy. I confess to being disappointed in both vape and dab methods, but try them and see for yourself.
Damn bro, you're buying an oz a weed to smoke? Where do you live and how much is an oz of top shelve bud?
Why do people stop smoking for drug tests?I had those same dreams when I was in the military. It can be a little scary.
I took a 3 week break from the day after the superbowl until a week ago, it sucked. I was thinking about changing jobs and knew I'd have to piss for the new one and I wasn't sure how the system worked there yet. But then I got high and said fuck all that.
ummmmm, to passWhy do people stop smoking for drug tests?
I typed oz a weed, instead of oz a week, lolJust found a spot where it's $280 a zip for some fire