how much do you think i can yield?


This is my 1st grow and i am slowly gettin to the big chop :lol: but i have no idea how much to expect so i was sorta hoping some1 can give me an average or just a prediction would be helpful also? the 3 outside just ended week 2 or 3 of flowering . i havent fed them anything since preflower except for water besides yesterday i fed them a mix of something called bloom and micro that mite just be all im going to use anyways .
week3flower.jpgthis is my straightest but shortest outside plant 46 inches tall

this is my plant that i wanted to leave for dead as a baby lol but she made it and it sort of topped itself naturally. 47 inches tall
week3flower (3).jpg

my only indoor plant at the moment barely starting week 1 of flower 30 inches tall . shes under 4 100w cfls and 2 60w cfls
week3flower (4).jpg
and these are the buds of the tallestweek3flower (5).jpgweek3flower(6).jpg
this is by far my tallest lady standing at 58 inches and the buds are looking the greatest so farweek3flower (2).jpg

so my question is basically how much does anybody think i could yield in the next 8ish weeks or if nobody could say at least just per individual plant any suggestions would help alot !!!


New Member
Hey Danielv , awaiting till the mid point in bloom is where and when you will find the answers you seek , as it is a bit to early to guestimate or estimate due to the fact that they are just beginning to show there floral traits . Perhaps bump in a few more weeks and then you ll get a better answer . Nice job by the way your doing great !


Get a 1000watter and you'll grow a pound. Cfl s are slow and are not going yield much so finish up this one and save up for a light. More light = more pot faster, way more way faster


ahh well these are all helpful but what can i do to maximize yield from here ? shud i feed it more of any of the n p or k ? or do i just have to let em do there thing ? and i was just hoping to be able to get me threw the winter at least mayb 4 oz


dr tree i really want to do that i heard alot of ppl do real good with them but do you know where i can get a decent 1 at a good price?

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Your not getting a quarter pound from that. sorry.
What you can do to maximize the yeild is lst it, so all the bud sites are at a every level...
maybe even do a scrog.


Well-Known Member
That outdoor one is lanky but if you have 2-3 of those outside plus the one you have inside you'd be able to hit your 4 oz goal pretty easily