How much do you Yield per plant.

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Active Member
I’m interested to know how much you guys are yielding per plant! Or per 10 plants.

I’ve heard people saying try yield 3 and that’s good but I’ve heard others yielding 10/11 per plant.
These questions need to be answered first...........

Indoors or outdoors?

What kind of lighting and how many watts per sq. meter?

How long a veg period?

How big or small of pots?

Hydro or soil?

You’re right, how about indoor, under any lighting. 1month - 2month veg period. Any pots.

or how about we just let everyone say no matter the stats lol

what does that mean?
do you give each plant there own light? Lol thats alot
I just use bigger pots and veg longer, but they also get plenty of light. Right now I have 5 lights in my closet that I'll usually put 3 plants in. They don't need their own dedicated lights, they just need enough light in general.