How Much Hydro Nutrients Per Plant?


My two tiny plants have access to 100 liters of water with nutrients added according to the schedule of the producer (Hesi). But the ratio of water to plants is very different compared to smaller-scaled hydroponics. Is there a rule of thumb or such?
I would think its the ml/l that matters.
theoretically any number of plants tied to the 100L would see the same nute strength.
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EC is EC, it doesn't matter... if you've got a 100 litre tank or a small bucket, it's just the concentration. You'll have to measure the EC (or PPM) and adjust accordingly.

I can only say what I've done, and I prefer to deal in EC rather than PPM -

My tap water is EC 0 or EC 0.1, so if i'm feeding seedlings or sprouts, keep the EC below 0.5. that's plenty, 0.3 might be better in the first few days.

Once you get some good sun leafs growing, you can tentitivley raise the EC whilst watching for fertiliser overdose, so do it slow, and steady and don't be afraid to back off and dilute with water... small plants need a lot less fert than you might imagine
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